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Walking during these pandemic times

Camino Manitoba holds events that combine walking with purpose and socializing. Our day-walks and multi-day experiences are ideal to promote mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being – a way to seek wellness that is so important at this time.

Camino Manitoba will encourage all participants to follow widely accepted practices to significantly reduce the risk of transmission of the Covid virus.


Covid-19 Related Practices

  • Some Camino Manitoba circles will be held via zoom and others in person respecting social distancing.

  • Stay two metres apart from people with whom you do not share a household. This will mean walking alone unless on a wide path.

  • Hikers will be encouraged to bring disinfectant products for use prior to eating on the trail. Camino Manitoba will have a small amount of hand sanitizer along.

  • We will remind walkers of these practices before each event.

  • We will endeavor to have our walks begin and end in the in same place to reduce the need for transit and/or car pooling and/or shuttling participants.

  • Canada's chief public health officer says Canadians should wear a mask as an "added layer of protection" whenever physical distancing is not possible; we strongly recommend wearing a mask

  • We use contact-less means as much as possible; please make use of digital and online resources (including route instructions, etc)

This list will be updated as new information emerges. Should you have any suggestions to further lessen the possibility of transmission and/or to enhance our objectives, please contact us at

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